Health Coach Tip – Grow an Herb Garden

Growing season is quickly approaching, it’s the perfect time to start a small garden. Aren’t sure what to plant? Herbs have amazing nutritional and medicinal benefits and have been utilized for centuries! The best part is that many of these powerful plants can easily grow in your window, on porch, or backyard – whether you live in or outside of the city – and can be used for cooking, tea, seasoning oils or vinegars, or even a detoxifying bath. If you are planning on growing herbs in the city, click here.


You either love the taste or you hate it, but one thing is certain, these flavorful leaves are good for your body. Cilantro may help lower blood pressure, ease digestion, and it’s even believed to have chelating effect – helping to pull heavy metals out of the body. Wow!


This plant is one of the easiest to grow and maintain (be careful, it might take over!). It’s also easy to dry into herbal tea – a pretty fool-proof choice when it comes to picking your garden ingredients. It helps ease stomach-discomforts and has a  cooling effect on the body, making it a perfect addition to your summer lemonade.


Thyme is a delicious herb for cooking fish and chicken. Not only is it tasty, but it also contains thymol which has antibacterial properties. When you feel a cold brewing, try making a cold-preventing tea by submerging thyme in simmering water for 10 minutes (you can add some garlic too), strain and drink it with a little raw honey.


Sage has a strong flavor and is a tasty addition to meats, especially fattier ones. But did you know that it can be helpful in menopause with night sweats and hot flashes? Make a cup by pouring 8oz of boiling water over 1 tablespoon fresh or 1 teaspoon dried sage leaves. Steep for 5 minutes, strain and drink it with a little lemon a few times a day.