Get to Know TUDCA: The Easy Way to Protect Your Digestion, Brain and Liver

With most machines, we tend not to think much about them until something goes wrong. But, hear a strange noise while you’re driving or notice your computer screen flickering and your attention turns laser-focused. Our bodies, amazing machines that they are, have a similar ability to command our attention when something is off. And, it goes pretty much without saying, that’s when people come to my office. Among the more common problems I see have to do with immunity, gut health and digestion as well as metabolic issues like high blood sugar, insulin resistance or just a general lack of energy. When one or more of these things isn’t going well, neither are you.

Fortunately, most of these common problems are solvable – or, at any rate, can be tremendously improved – with the help of tailored lifestyle interventions, strategic supplementation and, if necessary, medications. While there are many tools in the wellness toolbox, one you might not yet be familiar with is a favorite of mine known as tauroursodeoxycholic acid or ‘TUDCA.’ Though it’s been a staple of Chinese medicine for thousands of years, it’s only now generating widespread attention in the West as a well-tolerated compound with numerous health benefits that many people can and should take advantage of. What to know about TUDCA? Here’s a topline on this important health helper:

So what is TUDCA?

Let’s take a quick look at what TUDCA actually is: tauroursodeoxycholic acid. It’s a naturally occurring, short-chain (bile) acid that the body produces to help with digestion by promoting the healthy breaking down of fats, as well as facilitating the proper absorption of nutrients. Want more? It contributes to the well-being of your cells and the powerplants inside the cells, the mitochondria.  It’s been shown to have numerous benefits for protecting the liver, brain, heart and the nervous system.

What does TUDCA do for your body?

Here’s a more complete list of TUDCA’s wide range of healthy effects, including:

  • supporting immunity and good gut health
  • reducing inflammation, and inflammation-triggered leaky gut
  • aiding digestion and elimination
  • safeguarding the liver from toxins like heavy metals, alcohol and certain medications
  • lowering cholesterol levels
  • maintaining healthy blood pressure
  • supporting healthy brain and cognitive function
  • offering DNA protection and repairing cellular damage caused by free radicals
  • supporting liver health
  • increasing insulin sensitivity and helping to reduce blood sugar

Other pluses in the TUDCA column? For athletes, TUDCA supplements can help decrease muscle fatigue and enhance performance, and may help with muscle recovery by as much as 20%. Additionally, research indicates that TUDCA can act as an antioxidant and may have the ability to reduce and even prevent oxidative damage by reducing the amount of free radicals that can lead to serious illnesses like heart disease, stroke, and cancer. OK, it’s not exactly a cure-all but TUDCA is very exciting stuff with many potentially life-changing implications for both near and long-term health.

TUDCA is your good gut buddy, and immunity pal.

For starters, TUDCA supports the digestion of fats and oils, essential for getting the most out of your diet. But what’s also cool about TUDCA is that it promotes a healthy microbiome by encouraging bacterial balance and biodiversity, important for overall gut health as well as the health of your immune cells, 75 -80% of which make their home in the gut. What’s more, TUDCA helps tamp down an overactive inflammation response in the GI tract which helps prevent leaky gut, also a major plus for overall digestive function.

TUDCA helps livers thrive.

Another reason to like TUDCA? It loves up two of your big time organs, namely, your liver and your brain. When it comes to the liver, it’s been shown to have ‘hepatoprotective’ properties, that is, it protects liver cells from damage. That’s great news in general, but especially important for those dealing with conditions such as fatty liver, biliary cirrhosis, and hepatitis. It’s actually shown promise for its potential to alleviate liver damage caused by a variety of toxins, medications, and conditions.

TUDCA helps protect brains.

For those concerned about their brain health – and who among us isn't? – TUDCA may offer good news here too. Research looking at neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease suggests that TUDCA may help protect neurons from damage, assisting in clearing toxins from the brain, contributing to healthy brain function and overall detoxification. In short, a win for your brain cells.

TUDCA helps support cardiovascular health.

TUDCA also has the ability to break down and remove excess cholesterol from the body. In one small study, subjects taking 1,000 to 1,500 mg of TUDCA a day for six months were able to lower total cholesterol levels. And less cholesterol means less chance of developing the arterial plaque that can lead to atherosclerosis and heart attack. 

TUDCA helps nudge metabolism in a positive direction.

For those trying to keep blood sugar or weight in check, TUDCA can offer a metabolic pay-off, but think slow and steady support rather than a big dip in the number on the scale or on your next blood test. How does it work? The thinking is that having enough TUDCA coursing through your veins may result in increased sensitivity of the liver and muscles to insulin. When cells are more sensitive to insulin, they use glucose more efficiently, leading to a reduction in blood sugar levels. In one small but promising four-week study, researchers found that daily TUDCA supplements were able to improve insulin sensitivity by 30% in people with insulin resistance. Though more study is needed, it’s certainly a noteworthy result.

Should I get on the TUDCA train?

As you can see, TUDCA’s potential benefits are impressive and the side-effects are minimal -- too much may cause mild diarrhea, so follow package dosing instructions and don’t overdo it. An average daily dose usually runs about 600 mgs, twice daily. For most people, that amount can be a major help, but the key word here is ‘most.’ You may have health conditions or be on medications that might not be compatible with TUDCA supplementation, so before you dig in, work with your medical practitioner to determine if it’s right for you – their supervision and guidance are essential.

Longevity Reading